Free Hypnosis Sessions to Help You Get Through the COVID Pandemic

So many people are having a hard time physically, financially and emotionally during this COVID pandemic.  People are experiencing deep feelings of loss - of people they love, of their livelihoods.  Many are facing previously unimagined stress by sudden changes in financial and work demands. 

Hypnosis will not make the pandemic go away but it is a very powerful tool to help us cope much better in these difficult and uncertain times.  It can not only help you get by but often will be the start of a very positive new direction in your life.

To that end, myself and colleagues have made available several free hypnosis sessions that many will find of lasting benefit during the pandemic. Here are the sessions;

Teach Yourself Self Hypnosis.
With this easy but effective hypnosis mp3 session you can experience hypnosis and learn how to hypnotize yourself whenever you want.  From here you can use self hypnosis to provide yourself with positive suggestions of your own choosing.  Learning this one simple skill has fundamentally changed the course of thousands of peoples lives for the better.  Will yours become one of them? Go here for the Teach Yourself Self Hypnosis session.

COVID Recovery
Enhance your body's natural defenses to beat coronavirus quickly and calmly.  Download the free COVID Recovery hypnosis session here.

Stop Touching Your Face
Increase your resistance to disease and boost your wellbeing by breaking the habit of touching your face.  Download the free Stop Touching Your Face session here.

Keep Calm and Carry On
Support yourself and your family by developing a calmer, more resilient attitude to challenging situations. Download the free Keep Calm and Carry On hypnosis session here.

Relax Wearing PPE
Tune out the discomfort and find a place of calm focus while wearing personal protective equipment. Download the free Relax Wearing PPE here.

The ultimate in using a hypnosis mp3 session is of course to have one developed specifically and uniquely for you.  I provide this experience for a limited number of clients each month.  You may find out more about this and obtain a free consultation here.

Select the title that will help you the most now because the sooner you do the sooner you can start improving your situation.

Remember, I am happy to hear how you are making out with your hypnosis mp3 session or if you have a question about using it.  Let me know here.

With you on the path to success and a healthy life,

Stephen Gruber MA
Consulting Hypnotist, Montreal

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How are You Doing.....?

Happy to hear how you are making out with your hypnosis mp3 session or if you have a question about using it.

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