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Thanks! Your request for the free Preparing for Weight Loss Hypnosis Mp3 has been sent.

In a few moments, you'll receive an email with a link that you must click to confirm your request.

The email will be from "Stephen Gruber" with the subject line - "Confirm your hypnosis Mp3 download request"

To activate your request, check your primary email now and click on the link contained in that email. You can not receive your Mp3 download information until you click that link to activate it.

If you do not see that email in your in-box shortly please check that it has not ended up in your "junk mail" folder!

With you on the path to health,

Stephen Gruber MA
Consulting Hypnotist, Montreal

PS. Once you click on the email link you'll be taken directly to the download page for the Preparing for Weight Loss hypnosis Mp3.