Download The Recording Here
To download and save the Mp3 to your computer hard drive: 1. Do NOT click on the link that you see below (this will just make it play on your computer). 2. For Windows users, right click your mouse over "Download link here" and select "Save link as" or similar instruction (depends on which internet browser you are using). 3. For Mac users, control click over the link and proceed to "Save link as" or similar instruction. Download link here (Windows users = Right click and save, Mac users = Control click and save). Once downloaded, transfer the Mp3 file to your personal Mp3 player or burn it on a CD in whatever way you usually do that. Please note, I am not able to provide individual instruction or help on downloading procedures for the free files. This is in the computer realm and not the Hypnotic! Here's to your Good Health, Stephen Gruber MA Consulting Hypontist Queen Elizabeth Health Complex, Montreal